Monday 15 October 2012

Cough finally recovered. Now flu!

Little update from me, as per previous post, I have been dealing with cough for almost a month. Not enough sleep, itchy throat, coughing non-stop, lose weight! Yeah, 4 weeks 4 days (I think). And now, after recovery from cough, now I am having flu!

God, why you give me such a weak body....

When I get sick, normally I always review of what I've done and eaten during few days....It just happened last Saturday, just after I recovered from my cough, I decided to eat McDonald, Samurai Burger....and ordered Minute Maid's orange juice so I at least not feel guilty.

Soon after, in the evening time, I felt my throat was dry so I drink *phi pa kao* mix with hot water....then I took some panadol cold & flu at night time just before sleep....

Early morning, wake up....OMG, I got sore throat and start to sneezing non-stop....late afternoon, I officially gotten flu....:-( Night time worst, coz I have a habit to wash my hair in the evening, so it makes my flu from bad to worst.

So the moral of the story is, don't eat rubbish/ junk food when I have just recovered....

As I am typing this, my head is dizzy and I feel nausea....Mood swings. Hormonal imbalance.

I can't breath well, either it's runny nose or blocked nose. As a result, very dizzy and moody for the whole day. I hate when I'm sick coz I gotta rest at home and not be able to do anything. I hate being so useless!

Okay, time to take medicine and rest now! Bye!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha....the next time you sick just lay down and daydream or watch movie :P